Indispensable metrics for all remuneration decisions
The GRG Custom KMP Databases are invaluable for all company executives with responsibility for, or advising, the Board and/or Remuneration Committee on KMP remuneration.
Advantages of the GRG Custom KMP Database
- Data is presented for each individual so you can see who filled the role, how much they were paid and in what forms. You can also see their specific role title to ensure that like-for-like comparisons are being made.
- Unlike databases based on private surveys, the GRG Custom KMP Database provides incumbent-by-incumbent data (the source data) in an easy-to-interpret format so you can examine the practices of particular companies or competitors or consider the remuneration of a particular incumbent.
- All relevant ASX listed companies may be included in the GRG Custom KMP Database. It is not up to them whether they wish to participate in a survey or contribute their remuneration practice data.
- Save considerable time when developing protocols for assessing and analysing remuneration data and in collecting and validating data from annual reports and notices of meeting.
- You can select the ASX listed companies to be included in your GRG Custom KMP Database. You can extend the range of companies until you have adequate information for a “what if” analysis, and can confidently respond to questions as to the impact of including or excluding specific companies. Experiment with different comparator groups, for example, to draw out trends or industry-specific practices.
- From the GRG Custom KMP Database you can select and test the companies to be included in the analysis for any KMP role.
- Selection of companies may be filtered by: GICS classifications for sector, industry group or industry; market capitalisation (as at the end of the month prior to the production data for the GRG Custom KMP Database); revenue; assets; profit; and employees.
- Key statistics: Highest value; Lowest value; P25; P50; P62.5; P75; Sample size
- Roles for which remuneration data is available cover a comprehensive range of NED and senior executives.