Get Chair & NED remuneration data across major sectors

GRG’s Chair & NED Remuneration Guides provide detail on:

  • Chairman’s Main Board Package
  • Non-executive Director’s Main Board Package
  • Aggregate Fee Limits
  • Fee Movements
  • Committee Fees
  • NED Equity Plans

Data is provided in tables for the industry sector in aggregate, and sub-sectors.

Chair & NED Remuneration Guide FY24

Choose from three industry sectors for your Guide

Three Guides are available as below. Click on the tabs to see the kinds of data they provide.

Remuneration data for this industry and its sub-sectors

Chair & NED Remuneration Guide – All Industries sub-sectors
Chair & NED Remuneration Guide – All Industries at market capitalisation $500 million
Demonstration example: NED data table for market capitalisation $500 million

Remuneration data for this industry and its sub-sectors

Chair & NED Remuneration Guide – Industrial & Services sub-sectors
NED remuneration across the Industrial & Services sector
Demonstration example: NED data table for market capitalisation of $10 billion

Remuneration data for this industry and its sub-sectors

Chair & NED Remuneration Guide – All Industries sub-sectors
NED remuneration data for the Resources sector in aggregate and its subsectors
Demonstration example: NED data table

Order your GRG Chair & NED Remuneration Guide

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Select the sector for your Guide(s)*

Pick two market capitalisation ranges for your organisation

Your Guide will contain two data tables per role, with each data table showing a sample based on a market capitalisation range that you select. Please select two ranges below. If you don't know your ranges, choose 'Not sure' and we'll contact you to assist.

Additional market capitalisation data (optional)

Additional remuneration ranges can be ordered for your Guide for $1,500 + GST each. The additional range will include data for all KMP jobs. Please make the selection below, or leave blank if not required.

Place your order
$2,500 + GST

Submit your order below and a digital copy of the guide will be emailed to you within one business day along with a 21-day invoice for $2,750.

Enter your promo code and the discount will be applied to the invoice amount.
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Our Guides are released in digital form, tailored for and licensed to each purchasing organisation, and delivered promptly within one business day. Internal distribution within your organisation is unlimited, but each publication is digitally secured with licensee identification to ensure that it is not used outside the organisation without the purchase of additional licences.

Want more information?

Our team of experienced, qualified remuneration professionals is ready to assist you if you have any questions. Get in touch today.